Co-curricular &
Extra-curricular activities

Games & Sports

The College Sports Week is organized annually. Various games, track and field events are hosted. Students are encouraged to participate in the various sporting events based on their natural talents. Friendly matches, tournaments with other teams are also encouraged.

Red Ribbon Club

The Red Ribbon Club functions in line with the national mandate of creating awareness among students’ community on issues such as blood donations, HIV/ AIDS, general sensitivity to be exhibited towards people living with HIV, among others. The Club organizes in-campus blood donation camps and maintains a data base of donors who can be approached in times of emergencies.

Literary Club

The Club organises Competitions in creative writing, quiz, extempore, debates, declamation, etc. for students from time to time. The Literary Club includes all members of the Department of English, the Literary Secretary and any student who enrols in the Honours programme in English. However, membership is also open to all other students.

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