Course Structure & Credit Framework (Grand Total Credit – 160)

SemesterCourse CategoriesCredit
12 Major Courses (4+4)8
11 Minor Course4
11 Multidisciplinary Course3
11 Ability Enhancement Course2
11 Skill Enhancement Course3
Total Credits20
22 Major Courses (4+4)8
21 Minor Course4
21 Multidisciplinary Course3
21 Ability Enhancement Course2
21 Value- added Course3
Total Credits20
Students exiting the programme after securing 40 credits will be awarded UG Certificate in the relevant Discipline / Subject provided they secure 4 credits in work based vocational courses offered during summer term / internship / Apprenticeship.
SemesterCourse CategoriesCredit
32 Major Courses (4+4)8
31 Minor Course4
31 Multidisciplinary Course3
31 Ability Enhancement Course2
31 Skill Enhancement Course3
Total Credits20
42 Major Courses (4+4)8
41 Minor Course4
41 Skill Enhancement Course3
41 Ability Enhancement Course2
41 Value- added Course3
Total Credits20
Students exiting the programme after securing 80 credits will be awarded UG Diploma in the relevant Discipline / Subject provided they secure additional 4 credits in skill based vocational courses offered during first year or second year summer term.
SemesterCourse CategoriesCredit
53 Major Courses (4+4+4)12
51 Minor Course (4)4
51 Internship2
51 Value Added Course2
Total Credits20
64 Major Courses (4+4+4+4)16
61 Minor Course (4)4
Total Credits20
Students who want to undertake 3- year UG Programme will be awarded UG Degree in the relevant Discipline / Subject upon scoring 120 credits.
SemesterCourse CategoriesCredit
73 Major Courses (4+4+4)12
71 Reaserch Methodology (4)4
71 Minor Course (4)4
Total Credits20
81 Major (4)4
81 Minor (4)4
8Research Project12
Total Credits20
Honours students not undertaking research project will do 3 theory courses for 12 credits in lieu of a Research Project / Dissertation.
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